Friday, June 25, 2010

How to feel deeply peaceful

Name of the Book: The Power of Now
Author: Eckhart Tolle

Are there things in your life that make you stressed? Has paranoia taken over your life? Has anyone ever told you to "just relax"? Well, if so then you are reading the right blog entry because the book I'm introducing here will help you do just that -- relax! We all feel that stress is an unavoidable part of our lives but this book says "not true". From the beginning to the end you feel as if you're on some anti-caffeine pill because it just takes away your burden for the day. Expertly written but admittedly repetitive (as confessed by the author), this is a self-help book on steroids because it dares to explain to you that you and anyone else who is reading it is dysfunctional, incomplete, lacking and in need of an education; and the book offers just the kind of education that you need to live a deeply serene and peaceful life. From high  blood pressure to anger management--this book takes care of it all. It is your best education yet in the art of living without the lofty philosophy or religious idealism--all it does is reveal to you your inner demon and that's it: no need to convert to Buddhism and live in a monastery all your life.

Worth-the-price-tag-iness Score: 8/10

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