Monday, April 26, 2010

Life in the year 79

Name of the Book: The Complete Pompeii
Worth-the-price-tag-iness Score: 9/10

If you have ever wondered what things were like a thousand or two thousand years back in time, you most definitely must read this book published by Thames and Hudson and written by Joanne Berry. It describes the life in the city of Pompeii, a Roman colony in Italy that got burried under ash from the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD. Its spectacular architecture, mosaics and wall paintings surpass the expectatios of the average man. Yet it is surprisingly like societies today:-
  • money mixed with politics--check
  • rich folks that try to get richer by practicing illicit activities--check
  • a court of law that suppresses the already destitute slaves--we had it till the 1960s--check
  • your own local laundromat--check!
An egaging read for the curious, I recommend this book for the simple fact that each page's surface area has more pictures than paragraphs. Or maybe I shouldn't say "read" because it's more like watching a slideshow with subtitles...Enjoy this journey to the past!

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